A Guide to Turkey Ramadan 2024

Explore Turkey during Ramadan, a significant Islamic tradition. In this Muslim country, the guide outlines theimpact on travel, emphasising that visitors are warmly welcomed. Respect the culture and stay informed to navigate any changes during this special time.

A Guide to Turkey's Ramadan 2024

In 2024, Ramadan will begin on Monday, March 11, and conclude on Tuesday, April 9.

Ramadan, the Sacred Month of Fasting in Islam

Ramadan, a sacred month in the Islamic calendar, holds profound meaning for Muslims worldwide, including Türkiye. This ninth month, occurring on a shifting lunar calendar, commemorates the first revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad.

  • A Period of Fasting and Reflection

Throughout Ramadan, Muslims engage in a physical and spiritual journey. They abstain from food and water from dawn to sunset, dedicating this time to self-reflection, prayer, and heightened devotion to good deeds. The call to prayer from mosques guides the daily practice of fasting.

  • Beyond Physical Abstinence

Ramadan transcends physical restraint. It encourages spiritual discipline, promoting pure thoughts and strengthening the connection between individuals and their faith. Family and community play a crucial role, as individuals come together for prayers, shared meals, and acts of kindness, fostering a sense of unity and purpose.

  • A Time for Renewal and Connection

Ramadan is more than just a ritualistic observance. It is a time for spiritual renewal, introspection, and strengthening connections with faith, community, and loved ones. Its significance transcends Türkiye's borders, resonating with Muslims worldwide.

Impact of Ramadan on Services and Businesses in Turkey

In Turkey, particularly within tourist areas, there is generally no significant disruption to services during Ramadan. Restaurants and bars continue to operate as usual, ensuring that visitors receive the same level of service. It's important to note that while establishments remain open, some staff members may be observing fasting, so a respectful and understanding attitude is appreciated.

However, in smaller towns and more conservative regions of the country, there may be noticeable changes in operating hours and daily routines during Ramadan. For instance, in these areas, some shops and restaurants might close during fasting hours, typically from dawn until sunset. 

The pace of life may slow down in such places, exemplified by the practice in Konya where restaurants close during daylight hours.

Guidelines for Observing Ramadan in Turkey

While visiting Turkey during Ramadan, specific actions on your part are not expected. However, demonstrating respect for the local culture and the practice of fasting goes a long way in ensuring a positive experience for both you and the locals.

  • Modest Dress for Cultural Sensitivity

Dressing modestly is a sign of respect, especially for women visiting religious sites. Consider covering your head when entering mosques, a practice observed both during and outside of Ramadan.

  • Recognizing the Challenges of Fasting

Ramadan involves fasting from dawn to sunset. During this time, individuals may appear less talkative or energetic due to their physical and spiritual commitment. A little understanding and empathy go a long way in creating a positive environment.

  • Dining with Respect

While dining in restaurants, particularly in tourist areas, you may encounter waiters serving you while fasting. Be patient and understanding, recognizing the importance of their observance. Your understanding and compassion will be appreciated.

  • Simple Gestures, Lasting Impact

By demonstrating respect and understanding through modest dress, acknowledging the challenges of fasting, and displaying patience in dining situations, you contribute to a harmonious and respectful experience for everyone during Ramadan in Turkey.

Consuming Alcoholic Beverages in Turkey During Ramadan

Yes, you can. In Turkey during Ramadan, it's common for Muslim individuals, including those who typically drink alcohol, to refrain from doing so throughout the holy month. 

Consuming Alcoholic Beverages in Turkey During Ramadan

However, this practice is specific to Muslims, and as a tourist in Turkey, there is no expectation for you to alter your drinking habits. You are still free to purchase and enjoy alcoholic beverages throughout the country during this period.

Turkish Atmosphere During Ramadan

Turkey doesn't experience a significant increase in overall business during Ramadan. During the daytime, particularly at restaurants, there may be fewer people as a result of fasting. 

However, the atmosphere shifts dramatically at sunset during the iftar meal. Cafes and restaurants come to life, offering special iftar menus and creating a more vibrant and lively environment for those breaking their fast.

Traditional Ramadan Cuisine in Turkey

Experience the rich flavours of traditional Turkish cuisine during Ramadan with a variety of delectable dishes. Some culinary delights to savour during this holy month include:

  • Iftar Soup (Çorba): A hearty soup made from lentils, chickpeas, or wheat, often served as the opening dish for the Iftar meal.
  • Dates and Water: Following the tradition of Prophet Muhammad, breaking the fast often begins with dates and water.
  • Pide: Ramadan pide, a Turkish flatbread topped with sesame seeds, is a staple, served with accompaniments like cheese, olives, or honey.
  • Börek: A popular savoury pastry filled with ingredients such as cheese, spinach, minced meat, or potatoes, frequently enjoyed during Ramadan.
  • Dolma and Sarma: Stuffed grape leaves (dolma) and vegetables like peppers and eggplants (sarma) filled with rice, spices, and sometimes ground meat are popular choices.

Navigating Turkey During Ramadan

Exploring Türkiye during Ramadan is generally a seamless experience, especially in more cosmopolitan areas. Unless you venture into the traditional parts of the country, the impact on your travel experience is minimal. Ramadan holds immense significance for Muslims, and as a visitor, displaying respect for this special month is essential.

While your routine need not undergo significant changes during Ramadan, embracing a mindset of understanding and empathy can enhance your interactions. Taking the time to learn about Ramadan and its traditions will not only enrich your visit but also foster a deeper appreciation for the local culture and customs.


What is Ramadan, and how is it observed?

Ramadan is an important Islamic holiday observed by Muslims worldwide. It involves fasting, prayer, and reflection, with Muslims abstaining from various activities, including eating and drinking, from dawn until sunset. The fast is broken each evening with a meal called Iftar.

Is Turkey a Muslim country?

Yes, Turkey is a predominantly Muslim country, although it also has a significant secular population and religious diversity.

What is the significance of Ramadan in Turkey?

Ramadan holds great cultural and religious significance in Turkey, marked by spiritual reflection, increased acts of worship, and communal solidarity.

Will visiting Turkey during Ramadan affect my trip?

It may have some impact, with adjustments in operating hours for businesses. Touristy areas might not experience significant changes, but rural areas could offer limited options.

Are there any laws or restrictions for tourists during Ramadan in Turkey?

There are no strict laws for tourists during Ramadan. Non-Muslim visitors are not expected to fast, but discretion when eating or drinking in public is advised out of respect.


Apply for Turkey visa:

  • Online Application: Fill out the visa application with your passport details.

  • Payment: Use a credit card to make an online payment.

  • Email Confirmation: After payment confirmation, your visa will be emailed to you.

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